Part Of Speech is a category or group of words based on their function in a sentence.Part of Speech adalah kategori atau kelompok kata berdasarkan fungsi mereka dalam sebuah kalimat.
Noun is everything we see or we can talk about and show people, objects, places, plants, animals etcNoun (Kata Benda) adalah segala sesuatu yang kita lihat atau dapat kita bicarakan dan yang menunjukkan orang, benda, tempat, tumbuhan, hewan, dll
cousin - zebra - lion - house - table - printer – ice- computer
sepupu - zebra - singa- rumah - meja - printer - es – komputer
Verb (verb) is a word that shows the name of the deeds done by the subject,. :Verb (kata kerja) adalah kata yang menunjukkan nama perbuatan yang dilakukan oleh subjek,
write, grow, sleep,stay, feel, read, build, write, open, close, dll
menulis, tumbuh, tidur, tinggal, merasa, membaca, membangun, menulis, membuka, menutup, dll
Adjective is a word that describes a noun (noun) or pronoun (pronoun)Adjective adalah kata yang menjelaskan kata benda (nomina) atau kata ganti (ganti)
You look beautiful. --> Quality
(Kamu kelihatan cantik)
My book is expensive. --> Possessive
(Buku saya mahal)
Adverb is a word that serves to provide informationAdverb adalah kata yang berfungsi untuk memberikan keterangan
She is cooking in the kitchen right now.
(Dia sedang memasak sekarang)
Adverbs of manner, describe how something happens.
Adverb dari cara, menjelaskan bagaimana sesuatu terjadi.
Carefully, correctly, easily, fast, loudly, quickly.
Dengan hati-hati, dengan benar, mudah, cepat, keras, cepat.
She write her paper quickly./ Dia menulis makalah dengan cepat.
Adverbs of time, describe when something happens.
Kata keterangan waktu, menjelaskan ketika sesuatu terjadi.
After, already, during, finally, just, last, later, next, now, recently, soon, then, tomorrow, when, while,
and yesterday.
Setelah, sudah, saat, akhirnya, adil, lalu, kemudian, selanjutnya, saat ini, baru-baru ini, segera, maka, besok, saat, sementara dan kemarin.
He came home before dark./ Dia pulang sebelum gelap.
Adverbs of place describe where something happens.
Kata keterangan tempat menjelaskan di mana sesuatu terjadi.
anywhere, here, home, out, outside, somewhere, there, underground.
di mana saja, di sini, di rumah, keluar, di luar, di suatu tempat, di sana, di bawah tanah.
I want to go upstairs./ Aku ingin pergi ke lantai atas.
Adverbs of frequency, describe how often something happens.
Kata keterangan frekuensi, menjelaskan seberapa sering sesuatu terjadi
Always, every, never, often, seldom, sometimes and usually.,
Selalu, setiap, tidak pernah, sering, jarang, kadang-kadang dan biasanya.,
the fish usually swim in the river/ ikan biasanya berenang di sungai
Adverbs of duration, describe how long something happened.
Kata keterangan dari durasi, menjelaskan berapa lama sesuatu terjadi.
briefly, forever, shortly, permanently, temporarily etc.
sebentar, selamanya, tak lama, tetap/selamanya, sementara dll
The phone was temporarily out of order./Telepon itu sementara rusak.
Adalah kata yang menggantikan kata benda (nomina).Example:
She is a doctor /Dia adlah seorang dokter
I, you, this, they, him / Saya, Anda, ini, mereka, dia
Conjunction is a word used to connect words, phrases or sentences.Konjungsi adalah kata yang digunakan untuk menghubungkan kata-kata, frase atau kalimat
You and I will go to Bali tomorrow. (Saya dan kamu akan pergi ke Bali besok)
and, but, or, for, yet, so/ dan, tetapi, atau, untuk, belum, jadi
Interjaction is a word that shows feelings or emotionsInterjaction adalah kata yang menunjukkan perasaan atau emosi
Contoh Kalimat:
Hurray! = Hore!
Alas! = Aduh! Sayang!
Bravo! = Bagus sekali!
Hush! = Diam!
Bosh! = Omong kosong!
Ah! = Aduh!
Dear me! = Astaga!
For heaven's sake! = Ya Allah!
Good heavens! = Masya Allah!
Good Lord! = Astaga!
Farewell! = Selamat Jalan!
Well done! = Bagus sekali!
Thank goodness! = Syukurlah!
Thank God! = Alhamdulillah!
Article is a word to indicate the type of reference being made by the noun.Adalah kata untuk menunjukkan jenis referensi yang dibuat oleh kata benda.
Example: The , a, an
Preposition (preposition) is a word that can not change its shape and is usually placed in front of a noun or noun. Usually, prepositions show this location in the physical world.Preposisi (kata depan) adalah kata Yang tidak dapat berubah bentuknya dan biasanya diletakkan di depan kata Benda atau pada kata benda. Biasanya, preposisi menunjukkan lokasi ini di dunia fisik.
"about," "above," "across," "after," "against," "along," "among," "around," "at," "before," "behind," "below," "beneath," "beside," "between," "beyond," "but," "by," "despite," "down," "during," "except," "for," "from," "in," "inside," "into," "like," "near," "of," "off," "on," "onto," "out," "outside," "over," "past," "since," "through," "throughout," "till," "to," "toward," "under," "underneath," "until," "up," "upon," "with," "within," and "without."
Do not play in the street/ Jangan bermain di jalan
I met John at the station/ Aku bertemu John di stasiun
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